Willow Johnson Fanpage was originally created in 2006 as a PHP and MySQL-driven website by Diane Darcy when she was 19 years old under the pseudonym ‘Prudence.’ Originally called The Unofficial Willow Johnson Fansite from 2006-2019, the website started out as fanlisting where fans got to express their support for Canadian voice actor, Willow Johnson, who is most famous for her roles in anime. She is well known for her role as Kikyou in the popular anime series Inuyasha.

Diane eventually met and befriended Willow in 2008 and last met with her in Vancouver in 2011. That same year, the Willow Johnson Fansite went on an 8-year hiatus in part due to Diane finishing her university studies and in part due to having started her first professional job as an assistant database administrator.

As of 2020, Diane is working on repurposing the website from a fanlisting (which is now two decades outdated) to more of a fanblog where she can review and discuss Willow’s work as a voice actor similar to her work on the Helena Wayne Huntress blog, which she also maintains. If time allows, she might even decide to do a podcast or a video analysis of Willow’s work similar to her work on The Huntress Podcast.